God Supreme
Opening Prayer
Teach me Lord, what it means to “fear” You; show me that reverence for Your glory can overcome all other fears.
Read Zephaniah 2:12-15
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.” (Psa. 96:9). It is important to remember who is in charge!
Having covered the east and west, Zephaniah turns to the south, Egypt, and the north, Assyria (while Assyria is not to the north, access to Assyria is via the north). These were the superpowers of the time, self-sufficient and ruthless. Assyria, especially, had a reputation for cruelty and arrogance. Pride has been a theme in Zephaniah. From Eden onwards, the failing of humans has been to set themselves up against God, to act independently in the conviction that they can run things better without God than with God. It is as evident today as ever: humanity believes itself to have come of age and no longer finds the concept of God either necessary or desirable.
Complacency and pride are almost universal. I recently asked a humanist with whom I had shared a platform whether he ever had any doubts, pointing out that people of religious faith sometimes did. He looked at me as though it was a non-question. Many convince themselves that there is nothing and no one beyond, or if there is it is vague, impersonal and amoral, something of our creation, designed to meet our needs. We live, secure in our own bubbles, confident of our own ability, unable or unwilling to look beyond (15).
These verses constitute a massive challenge to our age. Within less than 40 years the might of the Assyrian empire had gone, never to reappear. The picture of desolation in these verses is complete. All human empires inevitably perish in time. Persia, Greece and Rome are part of ancient history. The British and Spanish empires are more recent but are also no more. Others will rise and fall. Businesses will flourish and decline. Individuals have a limited life span. Through it all God remains and works out his purposes.
How do you see the marks of this human desire for independence being worked out? How might we, as Christians, show a different way?
Closing prayer
Lord, sometimes I think I am self-sufficient, thinking I am lord; there is none besides me (15). Your Word reminds me that there is You, the Lord of all things. I bow before You.
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