God Sees, Looks, Judges
Opening Prayer
Sovereign Lord, You are faithful to Your promises and consistent in Your purposes. I trust in You and Your Word.
Read Psalm 11:1-7
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
[1]For the director of music. Of David.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
The Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind our every thought. Nothing is hidden from God.
This psalm again addresses the power of oppression and evil. Yet whereas Psalm 10 was a plea to God, Psalm 11 is a confession of confidence in God. The psalmist, King David, is speaking to people who are facing the violence and destruction of evil-doers. Such corruption and brutality seems strong enough to dismantle the very foundations that justice is built on. So the people are understandably afraid and urge David to get away to a refuge in the hills. Yet David dismisses their anxiety. He already has a refuge: one much stronger than any mountain retreat.
David shows surprisingly little fear of adversaries who seem to have the upper hand. His courage is not based on recklessness, or the belief that he can wield stronger power. There is no indication that he intends to take on the enemies in battle. Instead, his security lies in the fact that God reigns in heaven and sees all that happens among human beings. Because God can discern the righteous from the wicked, David needs neither to run away nor to prove himself. Because he is righteous, God will act on his behalf and he is content to leave it to God to address the problem and chastise the wicked (6).
It requires strength of character to react as David does. Even more, it requires strength of belief in God. For when the law itself is undermined and there seems to be no access to justice, the temptation is to despair or for people to try to take justice into their own hands. Then, either evil triumphs or bloodshed increases. David makes neither response. His answer can also be ours: to acknowledge God’s righteousness and justice and wait for him to judge.
Are there areas in life where you still try to defend yourself, or feel you should pay others back? Share them with God today and leave them with him.
Closing prayer
Gracious Father, You are in charge. You look, see and judge. I praise You that I am not caught in the grip of circumstances; I am in Your hands.
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