God Rewards His Children
Opening Prayer
Lord, please help us to understand Your way of rewarding Your people for their faithfulness, then help us be faithful.
Read Malachi 3:6-18
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
The first missionary to Myanmar, Adoniram Judson, once said, “The future is as bright as the promises of God.”
Some believers argue that we should not serve God motivated by rewards because this would be selfish. Others respond that if God is gracious enough to reward us, we should be humble enough to receive these blessings with grateful hearts. In our study for today, the prophet addresses a serious concern about rewards. The people thought that God had forgotten their faithful works; consequently, they believed God might also forget their rewards. But the prophet assures them that God our righteous King is so wise and just that he will not forget a single detail of our good deeds (6). We should not say, as do some of those in our passage, “It is futile to serve God” (14). In the kingly imagery of the passage, God records our good deeds in a royal memorandum sealed in the King’s archive for his future reference (16).
We may feel cheated in this life. We go to church, work hard, and try to do what is right. Still, there lurks within us a nagging feeling that we are being short-changed on God’s blessings. Others who are disobedient seem to receive more blessings than we do. This passage calls us to look ahead to a future day when the King of the Universe will demonstrate perfect justice in rewarding us. All will be fair. No corruption will taint the outcome.
God promises to reward our good deeds. We may not fully comprehend God’s complex system of rewards. But we know enough to understand whether or not we are on the right track on our service for him. For now, the righteous may suffer and those who disobey God may seem to prosper. But the real question is, are we satisfied that our treasure in heaven awaits us? Do we trust God to keep that which we have committed to him until that day?
Think of ways to serve the Lord today, do them, and ask God for confidence that he will remember your faithful deeds. He promised he would.
Closing prayer
Father, help us to understand Your mysterious system of rewards well enough to move forward in confidence and serve You better.
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