God Is Still King
Opening Prayer
Holy One, conquer me anew with a fresh invasion of Your Spirit. Help me to trust and hope in the midst of turmoil.
Read PSALM 2:1-12
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
In verse 4 God the Almighty is depicted sitting in heaven laughing at the folly of rebellious people. It’s an interesting thought that God is amused by some of our antics!
Psalms 1 and 2 together set the scene for the entire psalms. Here is the way to being “blessed” (1:1; 2:12), with warning of a “way” that leads to destruction (1:6; 2:12). Psalm 1 commends the individual who “meditates” on the Lord’s “instruction” (1:2, CEB), while Psalm 2 opens with the “nations” who “conspire” (same Hebrew word). “The Lord watches over the way of the righteous” (1:6) in a tumultuous world where “the rulers” act as if “the Lord and… his anointed” have no say (2:2-3).
Psalms, as the compilation in our hands, dates from the period when Jews were under Persian rule (afterwards Greek, then Roman). Gone was the Davidic kingdom, the probable original setting of Psalm 2. Now the psalm becomes God’s Word encouraging trust and hope: despite appearances, God is still “enthroned in heaven” (4), calling for allegiance to “his son” (7-12). The Jews (and we) are constantly reminded that, while the Persian (or any other) emperor appears to be in control, God is King and the time will come when all nations and rulers give allegiance to “his anointed” (2; Rev. 11:15; 19:15). This also speaks to Christians living in a post-Christendom environment where Christian faith, once dominant (at times dictating), is sidelined and actively opposed.
When the early church experienced its first official opposition, Psalm 2 provided language for bold, confident prayer. They now knew that Jesus was the “anointed” one whom rulers still oppose (Acts 4:23-31). Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in persecution of Christians because of turmoil in “the nations.” According to World Watch Today (WorldWatchToday.org), twice as many Christians were killed for their faith in 2014 as in 2013. Psalm 2, opening the book of Psalms, is an affirmation of trust and hope in the turmoil: God is King.
What does the thought that God is King mean to you? How does it impact your daily living?
Closing prayer
Sovereign Lord, I lift up my Christian brothers and sisters who are dealing with horrific hostility for following Jesus. Sustain and encourage them, I pray.
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