Gloomy Days! Great Hope!
Opening Prayer
Lord, may I love You for more than just what You do for me. May I love You for the great God You are!
Read Luke 21:5-38
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“Keep awake. Pray for strength to keep on your feet. This is the steady tread of prayer, hope, scripture, sacrament, witness, day by dayナThis is why patience is a fruit of the Spirit” (N. T. Wright).
A simple comment about the temple’s beauty prompted Jesus to talk of a bigger scenario, of which all his followers will be a part. Jesus’ description is disturbing to the point that people “will faint from terror” (26). He tells us that there will be troubling political, religious and environmental events at different times, and challenges us to respond as mature disciples by getting ready with an adequate response.
First, we need to stand firm in what we believe (8-11). Our task is to make sure we “are not deceived” (8). The word “watch” (8) indicates an active process of evaluation of the times and ideas in the light of our beliefs. Second, Jesus said, “make up your mind not to worry beforehand” (14). There will be times when our Christian beliefs will be the cause of our difficulties. We need to prepare our minds and hearts beforehand in order to stand firm. Third, Jesus said that the disciples “will know” (20) the meaning of events. Becoming good readers of current events will develop a discerning mind. Fourth, Jesus said, “stand up and lift up your heads” (28). Natural disasters are frightening events, but we can control our response to them and focus ourselves on the day of final redemption.
Jesus’ teaching finishes by centering on two final, general exhortations (34-36). First, we need to “be careful” (34) and to be strong, so that events do not divert us from focusing on Jesus and his teachings. Secondly, we need to “be always on the watch” (36). This command has two objectives for the disciple, readiness to escape and readiness to stand before Jesus Christ.
Jesus’ call to us is not simply to try to change or prevent dramatic global problems, but to be ready to face them. How are you getting ready?
Closing prayer
Father, I lift up my brothers and sisters who are facing persecution for their faith or other suffering.
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