Get Wisdom
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, You are my help and strong deliverer. I put my trust in You and You alone.
Read Proverbs 2:1-22
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever: wisdom and power are his” (Dan. 2:20). We must ask God for daily wisdom.
A recurring theme in these chapters is the commitment and energy required in gaining wisdom. In verses 1-4 we are encouraged to turn our ears, apply our hearts, call out and cry aloud, terms implying a strong desire and indicating determination and perseverance. In a world of instant gratification this is challenging, although more mature reflection tells us that great achievements–in the arts, science, sport, and business–come as the result of hard work and discipline. It is no different in the world of personal transformation. We do not achieve wisdom from our own efforts. It is the gift of God (6), and in Jesus this gift takes on new dimensions (John 3:16).
Gaining wisdom may take effort, but it is worth it. Another recurring theme in these chapters is the value of wisdom. It leads us in the right ways (9,10,20-22) and preserves us from evil (12-19). We have already been warned about those whose aim is to lead others astray (Prov. 1:10-19). Peer pressure and the desire for acceptance are powerful forces. Young people are drawn into gang culture in a search for security and identity; lacking wisdom, they miss out on true security and acceptance. Business people can be drawn into questionable deals because they find standing out to be difficult; the lack of wisdom leads to compromise.
We are introduced to another familiar figure in Proverbs–the seductress or adulteress (2:16-19). Sexual temptation is as powerful now as then and probably more pervasive. Inappropriate relationships are superficially attractive and so acceptable in many societies today that we too readily, even within the church, find ways of justifying them. Wisdom shows us a different way. The short-term gains are simply not worth the ultimate consequences (18,19; 1 Cor. 6:12-20).
Look at the pressures in your world. Do you have the wisdom to see them for what they are?
Closing prayer
Lord, I ask for wisdom from You. There are so many competing voices in my life, and I need to clearly discern Your voice. Thank You for Your patience with me.
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