Freedom that isn’t Free!
Opening Prayer
Father, thank You that I am Your child. Speak to my heart, inform my mind, lead me today.
Read 2 Peter 2:10b-22
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Divisive opinions or teachings can result in the moral and spiritual destruction of those who accept them.
Peter continues with the same argument that we engaged with yesterday. He is deeply concerned that the people of God are not led astray (18) or enslaved (19). He suggests that men and women who are in leadership roles may easily appeal to “lustful desires” (18). He cites the story and experience of Balaam as a warning and a model of disobedience. You can read about Balaam in Numbers 22-24. This prophet of God had an incredible supernatural gift that was exercised via a deeply corrupt character. There is a difference between spiritual gift and spiritual fruit. Spiritual fruit is developed through character, while gifting can come through a single impartation. Fruit always comes through a slow process of development.
Peter agrees with Jude (11) that the trap for Balaam and the warning for us all is the love of money. It caused the prophet to walk in disobedience to God. Peter warns that putting money or stuff or indeed anything else at the core of your life will not only destroy you–it will have the potential to enslave and lead astray those who are close enough to get hurt by the fall-out of your disobedient life. He goes further and suggests that the freedom that flows from disobedience is not freedom at all but rather it is enslavement.
Today, realize that freedom comes from binding yourself to the man of freedom, Jesus. It comes through obedience.
If it was revealed, what would be discovered at the core of your life? What has Jesus asked of you? What does that demand of you today?
Closing prayer
Father, I pray against those who teach error and confusion to Your children. May their voices be silenced and Your truth prevail.
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