Fighting for Survival
Opening Prayer
Lord, at times I can be overcome when I think of You: Amazing love, startling truth, dynamic power. God, have mercy upon me.
Read Exodus 17:1-16
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Fear or faith? It is a choice we all face. What will control your life today?
There would be no honeymoon period for God’s people. They faced life-threatening challenges from various directions. First, lack of water in the desert produced fear and panic, expressed in their anger at Moses and more indirectly against the Lord. The Exodus events are forgotten when they are faced by clear and present danger, and old prejudices resurface against Moses’ leadership. The mood is turning ugly, and mob rule is not far below the surface. However, Moses has learned to trust God and, in blunt terms, he takes the problem to God. Something needs to be done, and quickly. God responds by identifying the underlying problem as one of trust as much as of thirst. Moses, given instructions, obeys, and the results are simple and spectacular. However, if doubt is our default position, then the road ahead promises to be long and hard.
Danger then comes from another direction, as the Amelekites seek to pick off the weak and defenseless. A new strategy is needed. The first priority is prayer, and this responsibility falls on Moses. Alongside this comes action, and for the first time we are introduced to Joshua. He is identified as the one who has the necessary leadership, discipline and tactics to wage a successful campaign, not for the last time!
It becomes clear that more than an earthly battle is being fought. The outcome is affected directly by the prayer support. As Joshua needs the help of Moses’ prayers, so Moses needs the support of Aaron and Ur. When all of this is put together, instead of an indecisive tussle, a decisive shift takes place and victory is secured. Each played their part, and all was recorded on a scroll and marked by an altar. War between good and evil had been declared, and the Lord had shown his power to save the side that depended on him.
What do you think is the significance of Moses’ raised hands? When have you needed your faith propped up by someone else? What battle has God won in your life lately?
Closing prayer
Jehovah Nissi – the Lord is my Banner. I ask for confidence in the events of the day, knowing that You are going before me. I rally at Your Standard leading me on.
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