Fellowship that Works
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, I bless Your holy name. You are unerring in judgment, unfaltering in mercy, and compassionate in grace.
Read Philemon 1:1-7
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“I thank my God every time I remember you … because of your partnership in the Gospel” (Phil. 1:3,5). It is a heart-warming thing when others remember us with joy!
Think Further
The letter from Paul to Philemon presents a revolutionary model for human relationships. Onesimus was a slave belonging to Philemon, but he had run away. By God’s grace, he had come to faith and had become very close to Paul. He was now part of God’s family. The question, however, was how Philemon would react. The penalty for a runaway slave was severe, and could even be death.
Paul begins not with an appeal to apostolic authority, but with a declaration of brotherly friendship (1), and he quickly moves to explain how he has been praying. “I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ” (6). Everything argued against Philemon welcoming Onesimus back: surely justice must be done? So Paul starts his letter by highlighting what really matters. He asks God to make the Gospel partnership he has with Philemon productive in this most difficult situation. It is fundamental to the Gospel that we are in fellowship with other believers. Paul anticipates willingness on Philemon’s part to work together as brothers. It’s clear that Philemon was someone who would be an answer to this prayer, since he had a reputation as someone who supported fellow believers (7).
There are frequently moments in Christian community when we face relational challenges of substantial proportions. We need to approach them in the spirit of brotherly friendship (2), through focused prayer (6), and on the foundation of our fellowship in Christ (6). Paul is about to propose a radical solution to the problem facing Onesimus. The Gospel foundations will prove to be strong enough. Is our partnership with fellow believers the same?
The proof of Christian fellowship is its fruitful outcome. How is that seen in your own church, and how can you play your part in making it more productive?
Closing prayer
Lord of the Church, I commit myself to healthy interpersonal relationships, both for myself and for my church. I ask for grace and wisdom as I face challenges in the future.
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