Opening Prayer
Loving Lord, reign in my heart. Open my eyes, quiet anger, dispel worry and spread Your light in my spirit.
Read REVELATION 12:1—13:1a
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“What the New Testament affirms, in its own uninhibited way, is that at the Cross Jesus disarmed and triumphed over the devil” (John R. W. Stott).
The open heaven produces another symbolic sign. The woman is not an individual, but Israel with the stars taken from Joseph’s dream (Gen. 37:9). We are looking at the Christmas story from an unusual perspective and we have the whole life and ministry of Jesus covered in one verse. The birth and ministry of Jesus is opposed by the dragon. This figure has many biblical associations, but his identity is firmly established in verse 9. This is the serpent who led Eve astray (Gen. 3) and Satan who accuses the people of God (Book of Job). He is the source of the power of Pharaoh (Ezek. 29:3) and Nebuchadnezzar (Jer. 51:34) and sometimes called Leviathan (Isa. 27:1). However, Satan, the devil, is hurled down to the earth for the final battle and his inevitable defeat.
The war in heaven is only a backdrop to the real conflict. Satan is defeated at the Cross of Jesus. Everything flows from this. Satan no longer has grounds to accuse the people of God, because Jesus has taken our sin and become the slain Lamb, our atoning sacrifice. He is interceding for us in heaven. Death has been conquered by his resurrection, so that the believers do not shrink from a witness that will lead to their deaths (Rom. 8:31–39 proclaims the same message).
The wounded dragon has failed to destroy the child of the woman. He tries to drown her as Pharaoh would have destroyed the children of Israel at the Red Sea, but she is kept safe for a season—the three and a half years that repeatedly occurs in various forms throughout the book. The only people left for him to attack are the faithful Christians. Their security is in the work of Jesus on the Cross, but they are still open to Satan’s attacks in this world.
How has the truth of this chapter encouraged you in the face of difficulty?
Closing prayer
Lord Jesus, praise You for Your victory over sin, evil and Satan. Release Your resurrection power in my life.
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