Opening Prayer
Lord, I praise You for Your mighty acts, Your faithful Word and Your ageless wisdom. Prepare me to listen to You.
Read REVELATION 7:1–17
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Tough times can be vital in forming our character. It is helpful to remember this when the going gets difficult.
These events offer an interlude in the judgment being poured out. The day of judgment for God’s enemies is the day of deliverance for those who have bowed before him.
Verses 1 to 3 echo Ezekiel’s account of God’s people being sealed to protect them from the calamities and judgment that the unfaithful experience (Ezek. 9). Note that John hears the number of those who are sealed—they are being counted out, tribe by tribe, just as Moses counted the people in the desert (Num. 1) and David counted the people in the land (2 Sam. 24). In both cases, the purpose was to assess the fighting strength of the people, since every man would be expected to fight. So here we have a disciplined ordering of God’s people, being made ready for warfare. Readiness for spiritual conflict is connected to worship of God.
The list of tribes here is different from any Old Testament list; it omits the tribe of Dan, who were guilty of idol worship (Judg. 18:30) and includes the tribe of Joseph (descendants of his second-born son Ephraim), but also the tribe of Manasseh, who was Joseph’s oldest son (cf. Gen 48:5,6, Joseph’s two sons were blessed as sons of Israel equal to the others and promised inheritance as such).
As God is bringing together the faithful in Israel, we also see the ransomed of the Lamb from “every nation, tribe, people and language” (9). And their number is beyond counting. As God fulfills every prophecy and promise of blessing to his covenant people, he has fulfilled his promise to make them a blessing to every nation of the world (Gen. 22:18). These are those who have been willing to suffer (14), and they now stand before the throne of the King of kings (15–17).
How does your worship of God relate to spiritual conflict? Is God prompting you to develop other spiritual disciplines?
Closing prayer
Mighty God, it is a privilege to be counted as part of Your family. I praise You for touching my life and calling me Yourself.
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