Death and Resurrection
Opening Prayer
Lord, I know that all You do is perfect. Help me not to judge You by my own ignorance.
Read Acts 12:1-19
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“You have no control over how long you live; you only have control over how well you live” (Tony Campolo).
One of the background themes of Acts is the death and resurrection of Jesus demonstrated in the lives of his followers. Here we see a God who delivers one of his servants while another is executed. James is only the second Christian leader to be killed, but there would be thousands to follow him. It is impossible to answer the question why he should die while Peter was spared on this occasion. We know from the death of Stephen that Jesus waits to receive his martyred followers (Acts 7:56). Belief in the resurrection helps persecuted Christians to face the possibility of death as part of the price of following a crucified Messiah. Western Christians with limited experience of the persecution and suffering is rare in the history and present experience of the world church.
We should laugh with Luke at the ensuing story. Even Peter takes a while to accept that he has been freed. It is the servant, Rhoda, who comes nearest to immediate belief that Peter really is at the door. Reflecting on the fact that normal believers in the first century were sometimes as weak in faith as we are, we should mourn at our own unbelief. The two dangers that we face are assuming that God will deliver us from every danger (he didn’t for James) or praying without any expectation of God acting. We need to balance faith with an acceptance that his plans may be different from ours.
The lack of faith in prayer is compounded by the lack of trust in the testimony of Rhoda. Is their dismissal of her report something to do with her being just the servant girl? Trusting others is a vital part of what it means to be in fellowship with all fellow believers, regardless of differences in social position.
Are there specific areas where you need to review your faith in God or in your fellow Christians? If so, ask God to help you begin.
Closing prayer
Sovereign Lord, my times are in Your hands. Empower me to live my life to Your glory, in good times or in bad.
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