Contrasting Faith
Opening Prayer
Father, Your Word is a storehouse of treasure. Help me to store up the wealth of Your Kingdom.
Read LUKE 8:40-56
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
It is easy for a church to have an in-crowd, so others feel excluded. Read James 2:1-9 to see what James has to say about that.
On his return from Gentile territory Jesus is met by a crowd buzzing with expectation. Again Luke shows Jesus’ concern for women, describing two very different social situations and approaches to him. In both there is a pressing need for supernatural intervention. This is a story of stark contrasts. Two people in the crowd are singled out. The first is a man of prestige, a pillar of the establishment, as a Pharisee ritually pure, someone for whom the crowd would part to let through. We are told his name. The other is an anonymous woman, a social outcast due to having menorrhagia which had rendered her ritually unclean for the whole 12 years of Jairus’s daughter’s lifetime. Jairus unhesitatingly approached Jesus, fell at his feet and pleaded for help (41). The woman, camouflaged by the crowd, only dared to touch his cloak’s edge (44). For her, healing was instantaneous, whereas Jairus’ situation deteriorated, seemingly beyond all hope, until Jesus’ dramatic intervention (54).
Faith played an important role. This man of considerable influence “knelt before” Jesus (Matt. 9:18). The verb used suggests deep courtesy, paying homage before someone in a position to grant a favor. Maybe his faith plea was a last resort, and perhaps the woman who touched his cloak had only a tentative superstitious faith. Did Jesus expect more faith from this man with religious responsibilities and a comfortable life? Still, however inadequate their faith, Jesus was moved to action. Whatever our need, his invitation to us today is to reach out to him.
Jesus risked his reputation for the sake of these people. By singling out the ritually unclean woman and touching a dead body he became doubly ritually impure.
How do we respond to those people whom others reject? Does your church have an in-crowd? How could you help make your church a community of belonging for all?
Closing prayer
Heavenly Father, only the Holy Spirit can break down the barriers I have in my heart. I need special grace to love as You love.
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