Clean Sweep
Opening Prayer
Mighty Father, Your power is great and Your love never fails. I lift my praise to You.
Read Zephaniah 1:1-13
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“We live in a vast world of inter-connectedness, and the connections have consequences-either in things or in people-and all the consequences come together in God. The biblical phrase for the coming together of the consequences is Judgment Day” (Eugene Peterson).
A catastrophic event is coming and two things are clear: its total impact and its inevitability. Much Old Testament prophecy works on a conditional basis–unless there is change there will be consequences–but this is different. Nothing can now avert the impending disaster. It will affect the whole of society, sweeping through the city of Jerusalem (10-12). The leaders, both political and religious, are singled out (5,8). All of creation will be swept away–in contrast to the undertaking to Noah (Gen. 9:11)–and Jerusalem will be destroyed despite the promise to David
(2 Sam. 7:15). How can this be? Perhaps it is because (although it is not spelled out here) beyond the devastation lies restoration. This is purging rather than a total and final destruction. Evil must be removed to prepare for a new and better future.
The root cause of this is worship of other gods. God’s patience is exhausted. Pagan shrines had existed in the Jerusalem area since at least the time of Solomon (1 Kings 11:7,8) but Manasseh had taken this to new levels (2 Kings 21:1-9). The worship of anything but the Lord was acceptable.
Even as the destruction hangs over the people, their attitude is one of careless complacency (12). God had no place in their world. The parallels with our own situation are evident. Any god will do, preferably one of our own making who does not make demands on us. We live, at least in most rich societies, for our own pleasure, building, planting, preparing for a future that we think is secure (13). Recession has undermined some of the old certainties, but we still tend to assume that we are in control, that we can solve any crisis from economic meltdown to global warming. We continue to worship our modern idols convinced that God, if he exists, will not or cannot do anything.
Spend some time reflecting on your society. What parallels do you see to the society that Zephaniah describes? Try to catch something of God’s heart for our world.
Closing prayer
Lord, it is a sobering thought to realize that my faith must impact all of my life. I pray that the way I treat people may be a true reflection of my love for You.
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