Center, Not Periphery
Opening Prayer
O Lord, in the morning You hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for You and watch (Psa. 5:3 ESV).
Read 2 TIMOTHY 2:14-26
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
When we are most in God, we are most freely ourselves. When we are slaves to Christ, we are most truly free.
One of the intriguing characteristics of Rembrandt’s paintings is how one is drawn to notice the people on the periphery, those stunned or defiant faces on the margins of life. He paints real people so close to the living Word of life, yet with glazed eyes seeming focused a million miles away —and still allowing Jesus to be the settled center of their hearts.
Paul in several places in this passage is warning us about how we do this with the use of words (2:14,23): insistent word battles, quarrelsome arguments, godless chatter, stupid and senseless controversies. There is no “winning”; it only ruins the hearers. Perhaps the core brilliance of C.S. Lewis was his instinct for the center, never the peripheral or the non-essential. It’s the same with Paul. “Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments because you know they produce quarrels” (23).
In that vein, Paul brings us three more pictures of how Timothy, strengthened by grace, is to entrust the Gospel to others. The worker approved by God (15) rightly handles the word of truth (not the word of speculation or of personal opinion). In Greek, the sense is of carving out a straight path, as a pioneer hacks out a way through the jungle so that people can pass safely, making a way for the word’s truth to enter hearts and minds (N.T. Wright). Timothy is called to be a clean vessel (21), useful to the Master of the house; finally, he is called to be a servant (24). Again, the use of words is important: strong in truth, gentle in manner, and always — with an attractive sigh of freedom — leaving God to do the heart-penetrating conversion. (25). Preach it as water; and let the Holy Spirit turn it into wine.
Have you been living at the periphery, with God as background music? If so, ask God to show you where; then, repent and move!
Closing prayer
Lord, don’t let me spend my life on the margins. I want to bring Your living water to the desperate thirsty I meet.
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