Born for Eternity
Opening Prayer
Your name, Lord, is on my lips, because You have placed it in my heart. I thank You for making me a child of the King!
Read 1 Peter 1:22--2:3
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Nowhere does the New Testament teach perfection in this lifetime. It does, however, teach progress in the Christian Life” (William Hull, 1930-2013).
The contrast between human mortality and the eternal power of God’s Word could hardly be more strikingly expressed than here. Peter quotes Isaiah to describe the temporary nature of our life on earth–we are like the rest of creation: we fade, age and die. The earth is replenished, but not by us: rather it is replenished by the new cycles and generations that succeed us. The metaphor of being “born again” comes with great force, for it speaks of transcending this cycle of earthly mortality and being part of an eternal reality, centered upon God.
This truth has deep implications for the way we relate to other people. We have to abandon any mindset that tolerates untruth or brings harm into human relationships. People who have been on the receiving end of deceit, malice and hypocrisy know the damage they cause and the way patterns of cover-up can take generations to unravel. A colleague of mine can still feel the pain from lies and injustice dealt him at work many years ago. That is why Christians are called to eradicate these attitudes completely and practice love and honesty in our relations with others. It’s one of the hardest challenges we face.
The “born again” metaphor helps here, too. We often need to start again; to unlearn the harmful ways of the past and come into a state where we acknowledge our dependency on God and our need for what he gives. Peter’s image of being like newborn babies craving spiritual milk might be a hard one for those of us who have lived many years of life! Yet it remains true for us at any age. Paradoxically, the more mature our Christianity, the more childlike is our yearning for a deep, trusting and open relationship with our Father.
Reflect on what God might be asking you to unlearn in order to grow further in your life with him and to be better equipped for eternity.
Closing prayer
Lord, I come into Your presence asking for a blessing. Equip me in this hour to live for You so that what I do this day will have eternal significance.
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