Opening Prayer
Lord, I open my life to You now in praise and worship. Give me clean hands and a pure heart. In Christ, I enter Your presence.
Read PSALM 24:1–10
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
[1]Of David. A psalm.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“The person who does not like self-examination may be pretty certain that things need examining” (Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834–1892). We need to take time as we prepare.
In his life, Nehemiah worked with the most powerful people in the Persian empire. Nehemiah was a man of great integrity, but he was a servant to the king. That king demanded respect and honor from all who came before him. The office of king was not to be taken lightly, whatever the character of the one who wore the crown.
In Psalm 24, the pilgrim people of God are conscious that they are traveling to Jerusalem, to go to the Temple for an audience with the King of kings. They want to praise him and prepare themselves appropriately. This means far more than being smartly dressed or observing court protocol. For this King cares about right living, inside as well as out, about the state of our hearts and not just our appearance. Under such scrutiny, each of us falls short and needs the grace that only God can provide to allow us to stand in his presence. But when we do come in the right spirit, we can be assured of an audience with the King.
However, the focus is not primarily on those approaching but on the King himself. This is the mighty King, the Creator God, the ruler of heaven and earth. He is worthy of our worship. The psalm describes his arrival, entering the city to ascend onto his throne. The setting is often thought to be the coming of the Ark into Jerusalem in David’s time (2 Sam. 6). In Solomon’s time, it will rest as the centerpiece of the Temple. Later, Christians have used this passage to describe the ascension of our Lord into heaven. Whatever the context, praise can be given to this King alone without qualification or reservation, for this is the King of glory!
How do you prepare for Sunday worship? How does the psalm help you to prepare today?
Closing prayer
Mighty God, You are over all things and they are Yours. I feel privileged to call You Father and acknowledge You as my God.
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