Another Advocate
Opening Prayer
Holy Spirit of God, remind me of all I need to know about Jesus. Instruct me as to how to honor him today.
Read John 14:15-31
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“As Christ was to his disciples, so the Holy Spirit will be to them” (Gary M. Burge). It is the same for us today.
These chapters of conversation contain four short sections about the Holy Spirit. They all use a word that is rare in the Bible–the Greek word Paraclete. English Bibles translate this in many ways–advocate, counselor, comforter, helper, companion, friend. It is a word with two aspects. It can have a legal meaning: a Paraclete is a defender, ready to advise and speak for you in times of conflict or challenge. But it can also be a pastoral word, speaking of care, support and encouragement. Think of the different ways you can use the word “counselor”– here in the U.S. a lawyer; in Britain, a pastoral helper–and you have the word Paraclete.
In today’s reading the Paraclete comes to the people of Jesus, rather than to the world at large (17). He comes as a companion (16), to be with them and to instruct them. He kindles to life the teaching Jesus has given, recalling it to their minds and helping them to follow it in new situations and challenges (26). Through the Spirit’s work, the church can know the wisdom of Jesus, even after he has left them.
“How is it,” asks Judas, “that you will show yourself to us, and not to the world” (22)? Jesus’ reply really runs right through today’s reading, exploring the same ideas over and over again, with three main themes. Love: the Spirit comes to help people to love Jesus. Obedience: when we keep Jesus’ commands, our experience of him becomes surer and more real. Belonging: the Spirit weaves a web of relationship, binding Jesus to his friends, just as Jesus belongs to the Father. To belong to Jesus is a gift. It is also a demand. As with any relationship, we have to nurture what we are given to keep it alive and healthy.
What do you most need from the Holy Spirit today: teaching, companionship, support, protection…?
Closing prayer
Love, obey, belong: Lord, I resonate with these words and pray that the Holy Spirit will make these three truths especially real to me today.
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