Ambassadors for Christ
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, You are my rock and my salvation. Gird me with Your strength and enable me by Your Spirit.
Read 2 Corinthians 5:11--6:2
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Have you ever wished you were an ambassador? You are!
Paul walked his talk, living what he preached in the fear of God (11). This was not fear in the sense of cringing dread but a befitting awe and reverence as he worked through each day in the perspective of eternity. This is approved of by God, but communicates sheer madness to those with a different mindset. Controlled and constrained by extraordinary love, how could Paul restrain himself from telling out the Good News to all and sundry (14)?
Now he looked at people quite differently (16,17). How did this play out in his context? As he attested elsewhere, it no longer mattered whether people were rich or poor, slave or free, man or woman, Greek, Roman or Jewish, except insofar as concerned their status as members of the new creation in the family of faith (Gal. 3:28). What issues divide people in your own community, and how would you apply Paul’s teaching here in your context? Are they something to do with color of skin, birthplace, social status–or something else?
Having been reconciled to God from our position of alienation on account of our sin, we now have a special calling to lead other sinners to God (19). Paul claims here that God sets up his embassy on earth and makes us his ambassadors. The land where an embassy is situated is under the jurisdiction of its home government. In every way the ambassador seeks to do credit to that government in the fulfillment of his commission. Our mission as God’s accredited agents is none other than reconciling lost humanity to their maker (20). Alas, in every country, there are embassy staff who engage in disgraceful activities and are a discredit to their nation. Does this describe us as ambassadors of the King of kings and the Lord of lords?
Consider your high status as God’s ambassador here on earth. How should you live to fulfill your mission?
Closing prayer
Lord God, I desire to have the attitude of John the Baptist, who wanted self to recede and You to consume his life. That is my prayer: not self but You!
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