All Skills Are God-given
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, You stepped into my pain so that I could step into Your peace. Give me that peace today.
Read Exodus 35:30-36:7
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
It is in Christ that we find our true identities and are given our truest reason and purpose for living.
I love the idea that the Spirit of God is behind creative inspiration and artistry (31). It makes sense because the Creator gives these gifts and, so, of course he empowers their use. What’s more, we have inherited the family likeness and are invited to be apprentices of the Master Craftsman. So what are we afraid of that we do not encourage the many creative gifts in the Christian community? Partly we are so spoken-word-orientated that other gifts are seen as secondary. We also know that sinfulness and self-advancement infect all we do. Yet God was pleased in Moses’ time to have his worship enhanced by a wide range of artistic contributions. Why wouldn’t he be so pleased still today?
The same applies to family and the world of work. Using our gifts is part of our Genesis mandate to be God’s stewards of his creation. Teaching skills rank particularly highly (34,35). We encourage each other in this by helping to identify and develop our gifts, and providing feedback about how we see them making a difference. Skills which are God-directed lead to fewer square pegs in round holes, both in the church and in society, for God intends that, like him, we enjoy the creative task and take satisfaction in its accomplishment (Gen. 2:2,3).
It is worth noting that the tabernacle opened debt free. In fact, so much was given that those who waited missed out on the joy of giving (6,7). What application does this have for our giving money and skills towards church buildings, missions, or ways of helping others? Has God changed that we so rarely experience this? Do we need a Moses to drum up enthusiasm? Or have the times changed? What can we learn from this example of the corporate generosity of these people?
“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet” (Frederick Buechner). Have you found that place yet?
Closing prayer
Lord, I often feel humbled by Christians from other places. They have so little yet they give so generously. May I be moved and changed by their example.
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