A Tale of Two Sisters
Opening Prayer
Holy God, may I be free of distractions so that I can focus to listen, to hear Your voice, and to change.
Read John 11:17-27
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Some Christians respond to bereavement by holding tightly to their faith, while for others faith wrestles with questioning and bewilderment. Which are you? Which is better?
With great subtlety John presents the two sisters in turn, as each encounters Jesus on his return to Bethany. Today we meet Martha, and tomorrow Mary. Interestingly they both say exactly the same thing to Jesus– “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died” (21,32)–and the fact that they both say “my” rather than “our” brother underlines their separateness, and the different way in which they are experiencing their grief. The words are the same, but the quality and the feeling of each encounter with Jesus is completely different.
Martha has a practical, can-do approach to life (Luke 10:40). She rushes out to meet Jesus as soon as she hears that he is approaching the village (20), armed with a practical suggestion: “I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” What faith! Implicitly she knows that Jesus’ relationship with God is such that anything is possible. Jesus probes her faith gently–is she simply holding to traditional Jewish faith in the final resurrection (23)? Martha believes this, of course–but her reply in verse 24 has an unspoken, “But I’m not talking about that, Lord!” and prompts from Jesus the wonderful, famous words in verses 25 and 26.
Jesus is the Lord of life and of death! Verse 26 has an emphasis that does not appear in the standard translations: “Whoever lives and believes in me will never, ever die–not ever!” Jesus uses the most emphatic negative possible, and adds an extra “not ever” for good measure. His question to Martha–“do you believe this?”–is a question to us, too. In the face of the awfulness of death, do we stand with Martha in naming the Lord Jesus as the resurrection and the life for us and ours?
Reflect on what death has meant to you. Sit with your memories and feelings, and turn verse 27 into your own response to Jesus today.
Closing prayer
Father, I praise You that I can live in Christ today, and one day I will live forever. I thank You for the assurance and joy that hope gives.
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