A Recipe for Wisdom
Opening Prayer
Spirit of Truth, direct me to the life of Jesus so I might see what You would have me be.
Read 2 Chronicles 1:1-17
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“Don’t go to God with options and expect him to choose one of your preferences. Go to him with a willingness to do whatever he says” (Max Lucado). That’s a wise word for us.
Solomon was the first king of Israel to grow up in a palace. His predecessors were largely farmers whose outdoor life prepared them to be military leaders breaking the stranglehold of the Philistines. Solomon would have emerged into manhood with his memory full of the complex rivalries and relationships of the Jerusalem court. It was a fruitful training ground for peacetime leadership, but that did not guarantee he would become a good king. A greedy or fearful prince might tend to imitate the worst behavior of those around him.
In a moment when he is consciously in God’s presence, he prays for “wisdom” (10), a quality defined and illustrated in the book of Proverbs. It includes a mind open to all kinds of knowledge (1 Kings 4:30,33), shrewdness in understanding and communicating with people, and a strong moral commitment to justice and integrity (Prov. 1:2-4). All these are given coherence by wisdom’s most important quality: reverence and humility towards God.
As Solomon makes wisdom his priority, God promises riches (12). They came as Solomon in his wisdom made shrewd use of Israel’s position on the routes from Africa to Asia, importing and exporting horses and chariots, among the most valuable commodities at that time (14-17). Prior to his prayer, his wisdom as a leader of a worshiping community shines through the early part of the chapter. David passed him the task of moving the central place for worship to Jerusalem where the ark had already been moved (4). Solomon first draws the people together back at the tent of meeting at Gibeon, with its reminders of the journey their ancestors took through the wilderness (3), to worship and seek guidance there.
Read the definition of wisdom in the second paragraph of the comments above. Use this as a yardstick to evaluate your life.
Closing prayer
Lord, You see the big picture, so I need a big dose of Your wisdom to make the right choices each day.
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