A Good King
Opening Prayer
God of All Truth, may my life be a living embodiment of Your truth and love.
Read 1 KINGS 15:9-24
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Life is filled with ups and downs, failures and victories, joys and sadness. But through it all, God is working his purposes out.
Skipping over some scorching prophetic words and other kings, we come to a good king. His reign of 41 years is summarized in about 400 words. What would I want to write about my life if I had 100 words per decade? I think about my country’s leaders, whose words carry furthest and whose actions affect peoples’ lives most deeply (they may include journalists or billionaires/millionaires, not just politicians).
Today’s passage raises fascinating issues: geographical and military aspects; the exact nature of Asa’s reforms; what exactly went on at the high places (called “sex and religion shrines” in The
Message); the politics of Asa’s alliance with Ben-Hadad (18-22; the account in 2 Chronicles 16:2-10 is not nearly so favorable); the economic issues; chronological problems; who exactly was Maakah, “The Great Lady”; and was it gout that Asa contracted when he was old? The narrator deflects these questions (23) and I deflect them too, to another time.
“The ultimate goal of exegesis is for the individual and community to become a Living Exegesis of the text” (M. J. Gorman). The central thing about Asa was that “his heart was completely with the Lord all his days” (14, literally) even though he wasn’t perfect–as the same verse indicates! There is a similar relativity about the assessment of David in verse 5. Good king Asa suffered from gout when he was old (and is criticized for only consulting doctors; 2 Chron. 16:12), whereas Jeroboam’s withered arm was healed (1 Kings 14:4-6).
Am I a good person? Is the President a good person? What do I know about the President that isn’t retailed to me through the media? Do I practice the same benevolence towards politicians as I do towards myself in tricky situations? In what ways am I becoming “a Living Exegesis” of the text”?
Looking back over your life, what would you like to be able to do differently? How do you resolve your failures?
Closing prayer
Gracious Lord, while my heart’s desire is to be the best that I can be, I am encouraged to know that You can use me with all my imperfections.
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