A Challenging Call
Opening Prayer
“Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions”
(Psa. 51:1).
Read Ezekiel 2:1--3:15
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
God is slow to anger and does not wish to punish. The consequence of our actions is something that we as individuals, nations and humanity need to own rather than blame God.
Anyone who has had the experience of delivering a message to someone who really does not want to hear it will understand only too well why Ezekiel sat in silence for a whole week “deeply distressed” (3:15) before he could begin to speak. Our messages, if it is bad news about a health issue or the closing of a company with many jobs lost, may not be the fault of the listener but can still bring a sleepless night to the teller. When there is fault it doesn’t necessarily make it any easier–”I’m sorry, but your failure to do any revision means you failed the exam”; “Your second offence of copying someone else’s work means you have to leave the college.” In an educational context the reply can sometimes be, “But you have to pass me, I paid my fees!”
The problem with those to whom Ezekiel was being sent was that they were not yet ready to acknowledge any fault or responsibility on their own part. Yahweh was their God and it was his responsibility to sort out all of their troubles. So it was his fault they were in exile and why should they listen to him anyway? They had not grasped at all what it meant to be in covenant relationship with God and why obedience and loyalty were as important as receiving blessings.
Later on, Ezekiel would be able to bring a message of renewed hope: God did long to show mercy, he did long to bless his people. But that message could only be delivered when they had heard and responded to the hard sayings that he had to bring first, when they had listened and repented and accepted their responsibilities. And they were not ready to do that yet!
Are you taking complete responsibility for your choices? Find a faithful follower of Christ with whom you can get honest, be accountable and start fresh.
Closing prayer
Lord, help me to listen when You speak. Forgive me for when I have failed, or even refused, to hear, or when I have blamed You for my own faults.
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