Opening Prayer
Gracious Lord, today I want to speak the thanks I feel, and I ask you to forgive all my complaining.
Read Zechariah 12
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Jerusalem’s Enemies to Be Destroyed
12 A prophecy: The word of the Lord concerning Israel.
The Lord, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares: 2 “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. 4 On that day I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness,” declares the Lord. “I will keep a watchful eye over Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the nations. 5 Then the clans of Judah will say in their hearts, ‘The people of Jerusalem are strong, because the Lord Almighty is their God.’
6 “On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.
7 “The Lord will save the dwellings of Judah first, so that the honor of the house of David and of Jerusalem’s inhabitants may not be greater than that of Judah. 8 On that day the Lord will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord going before them. 9 On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem.
Mourning for the One They Pierced
10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit[a] of grace and supplication. They will look on[b] me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son. 11 On that day the weeping in Jerusalem will be as great as the weeping of Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. 12 The land will mourn, each clan by itself, with their wives by themselves: the clan of the house of David and their wives, the clan of the house of Nathan and their wives, 13 the clan of the house of Levi and their wives, the clan of Shimei and their wives, 14 and all the rest of the clans and their wives.
- Zechariah 12:10 Or the Spirit
- Zechariah 12:10 Or to
New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Have you ever experienced a miracle – perhaps God kept you safe in a car accident or helped you recover from disease. What is the greatest miracle you could experience?When Jesus came to his own, they did not receive him (John 1:11). Was that rejection of the Messiah going to last forever? In the first verses of chapter 12, God anticipates a time when Jerusalem will be under siege from the nations (vs 2,3), but God will protect his people. What is true for Israel at various times in its history, is also true for God’s people today. We may suffer, but God is with us, and so we have a strength beyond ourselves.
What is astonishing in this chapter is not just that God delivers his people physically, but that he transforms them spiritually (v 10). All through Zechariah, the outlook for Israel has been bleak, but now that changes. What would stir a spiritual awakening in those people who so utterly rejected Christ when he first came to them? A combination of the Spirit of God at work and their seeing the One they had pierced (vs 10–14).
And today, when the Spirit works in our hearts, we gaze by faith on the crucified One, and mourn for our sin – a heartfelt response to Jesus!
The greatest miracle we can experience is when God breathes spiritual life into those who were dead to him. Pray for that miracle in people you love; praise God for where you have already seen it happen!
Closing prayer
Lord Jesus, how thankful I am. You died on the Cross that I might live, your body was broken that I might be made whole, your blood was shed that I might be cleansed of my sins.
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