Open House
Opening Prayer
Bow your head and quiet your mind in preparation for reading God’s Word. Ask his help to understand and obey it.
Read Genesis 18:1-15
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
[1] The LORD appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. [2] Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. [3] He said, “If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. [4] Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. [5] Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way-now that you have come to your servant.” “Very well,” they answered, “do as you say.” [6] So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. “Quick,” he said, “get three seahs of the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread.” [7] Then he ran to the herd and selected a choice, tender calf and gave it to a servant, who hurried to prepare it. [8] He then brought some curds and milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set these before them. While they ate, he stood near them under a tree. [9] “Where is your wife Sarah?” they asked him. “There, in the tent,” he said. [10] Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. [11] Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. [12] So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?” [13] Then the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ [14] Is anything too hard for the LORD? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” [15] Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But he said, “Yes, you did laugh.” Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
Who do you think it might be that visited Abraham here?In the stories of the Old Testament, God chooses many different ways of approaching his human creations. He speaks from a burning bush, writes on stone tablets, whispers in the breeze, dictates to prophets and appears in dreams and visions. Here he arrives at Abraham’s tent in the form of three men and shares a meal with him. Abraham shows him generous, even extravagant hospitality, loudly and clearly demonstrating how he wishes to honor him. During the visit, the Lord announces the imminent fulfillment of the covenantal promise (10). And he repeats the promise that Sarah will bear a son. We, too, have the opportunity for domestic intimacy with God. We are under a new covenant and staggeringly, wondrously, the Lord has chosen for his dwelling place to be in us and among us–around our tables and in our hearts. The same God who gave a son to a 90-year-old woman became a man himself in order that there could be lasting peace between us. “Is anything too hard for the Lord” (14)? No. Nothing. Nothing at all.
Do you feel a sense of closeness with God? If so, thank him. If not, ask what is interfering with it.
Closing prayer
Lord, I’m grateful for the relationship we share through Your son. Draw me closer to You each day, I pray.
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