Busy Doing… What?
Opening Prayer
Lord, I thank You for the assurance that Jesus will return someday. Teach me how to live accordingly each day.
Read MARK 13:32-37
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
[32] “No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. [33] Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. [34] It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with his assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch. [35] “Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back-whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. [36] If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. [37] What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!'” Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
What admonitions and advice do you see here?We have God’s rough outline of the future but we don’t have the details. If God has not revealed the exact date of Jesus’ return, then we don’t need to spend fruitless hours trying to work it out (see Acts 1:6,7). God tells us what the future holds so that we will be ready (33).
The picture Jesus paints (34-36) is not one of passive waiting but of vigilant action. Notice how many times Jesus exhorts his followers to “watch,” “be on guard,” and “be alert.” Jesus knows how easily the urgent demands of daily life preoccupy us. If we don’t keep his return in mind, there is the danger that instead of doing what God has assigned to us, we will get distracted or tired of waiting (36) and fill our days with other, less important, things.
Are you busy doing the task God has given you? We may not all be evangelists or preachers, but we are each asked to be witnesses for Jesus to the people we meet every day, and we are each called to serve God’s Church (see Rom. 12:4-8; 1 Cor. 12:27-31).
If you’re not sure what role God has given you, ask him to show you where he wants you to serve.
Closing prayer
Lord, help me to be “alert” and doing what You have called me to until You return or call me home.
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