Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, you are near as well as far, you accompany me as well as beckon me. You are my Lord.
Read REVELATION 20:1-6
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
The Thousand Years
20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time.
4 I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God. They[a] had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. 5 (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
- Revelation 20:4 Or God; I also saw those who
New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Remember God’s encouraging promises when things get difficult.Rather than delve into the various and complex interpretations of the ‘thousand years’, I invite you to consider how these verses might have comforted the Christians who first read them. Remember how they faced daily opposition for holding to the message of Christ (see 2:13; 3:7–9)! It looked as though Satan (literally, the accuser) had them up against the ropes. Some had suffered greatly (v 4); some were suffering still (2:10).
Revelation never entertains the idea of an even cosmic contest between good and evil. There is no struggle. An angel is all it takes to throw Satan into prison to await trial and sentencing (vs 1–3)! How might this insight into God’s complete control over events help hard-pressed believers?
Remaining true to Christ was hard then (v 4). It is hard now. Knowing God’s plan for the future (vs 4,6) gave persecuted, powerless first-century Christians hope and strength to endure their sufferings. For them, and for us, this clearer vision of our destination – sharing a limitless, perfected life with Christ (v 6; see 2 Corinthians 4:17) – helps us endure present troubles.
Which of the truths in today’s passage helps you to keep going when following Jesus is tough? Root that truth in your heart.
Closing prayer
Loving Lord, your goodness and mercy follow me. I praise you for the assurance that one day I will live in your house forever.
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