Opening Prayer
Unto You Lord, not to anything or anyone else, be all the honor, praise, and glory. You alone are worthy.
Read Mark 1:21–28
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Think of someone you have known whose authority you respected. What was it that made them special?As an undergraduate, I once heard someone speak with great authority about lasers. Professor Arthur Schawlow (a committed Christian and Nobel Prize-winner) gave a guest lecture. As co-inventor of the laser, he could speak with unrivaled authority on the subject.
What was it about Jesus that made His listeners in the synagogue say that He spoke with authority (27)? Unlike others who taught in the synagogue, He did not have to quote what other people had written about God – He knew His Father intimately (22). His knowledge was evident. But there was much more to Jesus’ authority than His style of speaking. When Jesus spoke, things happened (25,26). He had called people to follow, and they followed. Now His speech in the synagogue prompted a reaction from a man possessed by an evil spirit and the spirit recognized Jesus’ authority (24). At Jesus’ command, the sick were healed. Mark wants us to know that Jesus was not just a good man or a clever teacher. He was a man with authority.
Mark is introducing us to the promised Messiah, to whose call we should respond. Like the first disciples, as we get to know Him better, we also respond to His call on our lives.
Is there any area of your life over which you haven’t allowed Jesus to take authority? Can you allow Him access to all the spaces of your life today?
Closing prayer
Sovereign Lord, I bow in amazement before Your powerful workings. You are the God whose purposes are never thwarted.
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